User guide


Structure this guide, it’s an incomplete random collection of paragraphs.

Variant frequencies and genomic coverage


User roles


Sample activation


Duplication of data


Calculating checksums of all imported data is used as a measure to prevent the same data to be imported twice. Of course, this is quite a weak measure in that it can easily be circumvented, so its main value lies in preventing accidental duplicate imports.


There is a high chance of checksum collision with empty files (e.g., no variants were called). A solution is to always have something unique to the sample in the header of the file.

A model for trading data

For certain use cases it may be desirable that variant frequencies can only be retrieved from Varda by annotating variants that are imported in Varda (see Shared database between several groups). In this model variant observations are traded for variant frequencies.

Varda facilitates this with the trader role. The trader role gives a user permission to annotate a data source, but only if that data source has been imported as part of an active sample.

See User roles for more information on roles.

Sample anonymity

Todo. Only global frequencies, except for public samples. Of course depending on the number of samples in the database. See Pooling samples.

Pooling samples

By design, Varda cannot be queried in a way to reconstruct the genotype for a specific sample, unless that sample is explicitely marked as being public (see Sample anonymity). However, the sample genotypes are stored in the Varda database and for various reasons you might not be comfortable with that. This can be addressed by pooling samples before sending them to Varda, a trick that loses individual genotypes at no cost in functionality.

The idea is to mix the data from several samples together and send the result to Varda as one sample. Variant frequency calculations are not affected by this, yet individual genotypes are irrevocably scrambled. There are different ways to mix variant calls from different samples, you can find some examples below.

Besides variant calls, coverage information could also be mixed. However, it is probably not worth the trouble since this is not sensitive data.


The effect of pooling is related to the number of samples. The greater the pool size, the better it works.

Example: merge single-sample VCF files

Starting with a VCF file per sample, one can simply concatenate all of them (minus the headers) and sort the result by chromosomal position. The resulting file looks like a single-sample VCF file, just with many more variant calls in it.

$ (grep '^#' 1.vcf; grep -hv '^#' *.vcf | sort -k 1,1 -k 2n,2) > pooled.vcf

Example: shuffle a multi-sample VCF file

If you already have a multi-sample VCF file containing variant calls for your samples, you can randomize the sample columns repeatedly for each line. The resulting file has lost individual genotypes, but contains the same variant frequency information.

$ grep '^#' samples.vcf > shuffled.vcf
$ paste \
    <(grep -v '^#' samples.vcf | cut -f 1-9) \
    <(grep -v '^#' samples.vcf | cut -f 10- \
      | xargs -L 1 bash -c 'shuf -e $* | paste -s' _) \
    >> shuffled.vcf